BaseLayer Leggings Ideal for cold weather sports, Precision Fit garments wick sweat away from the body while retaining warmth. Black.
Waterproof Trousers Worn in Nursery and Reception (To be left at school in Kit bag) Black
Lightweight & flexible sole for natural movement and healthy foot development
Long sleeve T-Shirt which is part of the Brownie uniform, great for colder months.
Short Sleeve T-Shirt which is part of the Brownie uniform, great for summer months.
Mock fly fastening up to Age 5/7, Single hook with bar and zip Age 6/7 up. Grey
Years 1 - 2 Compulsory year 3-4 optional years 3-8 may wear large old t-shirt. Navy
The big band polo shirt is worn by members of the Dulwich Prep Big Band only.
NEW PE T-Shirt to be worn for PE in years 1-8 with Navy Shorts only not white shorts. In House colours.
Navy waterproof coat with fleece lining and reversible. Worn from year 1-8.